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Not sure if it only happens to me but on some days, I can't spend my energy at daytime because there are no available girls to do "stuff" with, resulting in a cowgirl not being able to produce maximum milk. I don't know about the others but this happens to me most on Mondays.

Suggestion: Make the girl inside Bastet's Domain still be available to do "stuff" to pass the time OR make it so the player can skip time without the game turning to night immediately.

I'm working on that :D

While that would be a great option, progress with the story until Riley solves your problem, as destroying crops to increase quality costs energy. It is a struggle at the beginning NGL. You have to settle for less milk profit or cram pie in your face, which IMO is not cost-effective. Aurora (the most profitable) only gives $12 per energy and a pie is $15. When milk quality goes up, I'm sure it will be a non-issue.

How I will do this ? 

Aurora can help me test the powers ? 

Plz tell 

It's on her place

I would love to play but when ever I try an error code comes up and  says  WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: insert file path here that i checked and could find the file. Is there a fix i can do or can i just find a previous file of the game and download that instead and maybe the problem wont be there anymore?

it looks like the file was corrupted or maybe deleted

There's Nothing for phone anymore what happened(⩺_⩹) I've been waiting for the update for awhile:(

I made a tutorial on how to use joiplay, works all the time

i don't get why there is an energy system in the game, it just leads me to either not have enough money during sunday or having to postpone some events that require energy.
and i don't like that there isn't a "time" system in the game, for example morning afternoon evening and night, and if there is then i can't figure out how to tell the time.

plz fix



I'm not trying to be mean, just making fair critisism.



(1 edit)

I'm stuck on "What do these two want to do to me?" How and where do i trigger this event? Also, if I didn't do this event exactly the next day, have I softlocked myself?

restaurant at night


My single complaint about this game is the pumpkins, because of how days work they secretly take 8 "turns" to harvest because they always mature at night and you can't do much other than diddle your harem at that time of day.

What I'm getting at is, please make it 8 or 6, or give us the ability to harvest at night. it's just a bit frustrating to realise there is no point growing pumpkins except to save 1 energy per week (compared to cabbages), which it would do anyway if it was 8 instead of 7.

I will adjust the numbers on the next patch.

(1 edit)

If we played on Android do we have to restart? Im having a bit of trouble using the save provided on Android

Couldn't get the save above to work but I figured out where my old save is but due to "android limitations" I have to use my PC to mess with the file :(

you can totally use the save file i sent on android

i was just struggling i figured it out which was nice

Deleted 125 days ago

check her mood

Deleted 1 year ago

Go to the restaurant?

How do I make aurora into a cow? No new dialogue pops up and just stays the same

Look for new buttons in the house maps

Hi. I can't seem to complete the "bring the girls to Bastet ritual". I accidentally skipped the dialogue and now don;t know which day and time of day the ritual occurs lol.

Look for new buttons in the house maps

Have you removed the trojan from the game files yet?

It's not a virus, the version of renpy I use is older and sometimes falsely flagged as a trojan.
I can only fix it by upgrading the engine, a thing I can do, but doing so may force everyone to restart the game from 0

What is the difference between the public version and the Patreon version?


It has better hints, cheats and you can toggle on and off some kinks.

How do I get bianca pregnant?

I got the sex event with the green astrix but it still says this character can't get pregnant yet and I have done all events for Bianca and I believe all main story events. It keeps saying I have to pay bills

Is her fertility high?
Anyway, I will look if anything can cause this bug. thanks for letting me know


if you finished all the Sophia's content, until that scene where you make the "deal" with her and you get the notification saying Bianca can now get pregnant you should be able to trigger her pregnancy.
If this is really not happening it may be a bug, if you can send me a save file where you finished tghe game on discord: tenmo_farmguy

I got it to work, didn't know you needed to have the car fixed

You have to continue the story a little further. When you first unlock the sex scene she can't get pregnant right away even though it shows the fertility animation. The game will tell you she CAN get pregnant close to the end of chapter 3 I want to say. Just keep doing all the side stuff too.

Just a heads up for future builds i dunno if this is a bug or intended but you can skip the pay the 200 on sundays by not going out of your room and simple sleep passt sunday

this is fixed later on the game

Aye i saw it hadnt gotten to that part at the time :)

i cant get to the new content and selling the radishes isn't helping

where you are in the game?

i just got the shopping district

This is not close to the new contente yet

i thot so. that why im asking

hard to help here without knowing more about your case, your best chance is to get on the discord to get better help.

Im currantly stuck where all girls say Wait. And the top mission says to keep giving the$200 a week which Im doing but the other half that says to have Bianca in the domain a few days a week isnt placing her in the domain, no matter how many days I select.


All good now, was a Mood thing.

What is the last quest?

One with Bianca and Isabella on the farm.

Is it possible to move the mobile versions save files to the pc verson for joiplay?  sense on the newer androids we cant acces those files from the phone and when we acces them on our pcs we cant move them :o the tutorial didnt show anything on that it just showed from the pc version in joiplay 

I'm not sure this is possible, sorry.

will there be a Android Release for this game? i really wanna play it but unfortunately i have no idea how i am going to install it on my computer haha


You can play it on Android,just download joiplay from patreon website , or i will give a link to you

Ps:you need download 3 item ruffle plugin i think you don't need to download it , just download only 3 item , have fun ~fufufufu

if you go on my last post here on itch you will see that I made a tutorial on how to use joiplay, worked 100% of the time we tried so far

awesome! thanks


I'm stuck on "What do these two want to do to me?".  I am on day 128 and can't figure it out.  Any one know what I'm missing?


Nevermind, it finally triggered


It has to be the first thing you do in the morning after the new day started. If an even triggers before you can get to that missions spot. Start a new day and go there right away. While the game does not officially tell you. There is a Morning, Day and Night cycle. Morning ends immediately after doing one event or harvesting right after getting out of bed

Where do you trigger this event?

(1 edit)

Soo....i think the content just end up when bianca just give a birth , and send it to akari domain (goddess) ... Is there anything i missing out? I was have only 5 girl , the thing i was missing is , aurora daughter , akari , and himawari , may , MC (mother)(landord) just got handjob in the end when pregnancy content was  , and isabella , oh yeah and may daughter . I don't have a scane with this all girl yet or progress , is there no content yet ?

There's no content for all the girls yet

Ohh that's mean i just finished the all content? 

very likely. There's a warning that you reached the end of the main content but there's a lot of side content aafter that


ohh ... But if side content well no thanks 😂 , i want more main content and more storyline !! , I can wait to dating with 4 of milf in 1 go ~fufufu

Ps: @Mr.FarmGuy , don't ya forget to send me discord link to this replay ;) 

Im currently at day 65 and there's no event happening not even the weekly 200$ is not begun yet am i bugged or something

Plant and sell 100 radishes

Oh okay thank you.

I am currently on day 290 rn, just finished the story about the Car

And now I only have the “It looks like there was a fragment of that Goddess in my car”

And basically nothing else.

So my problem is that, where do I do this task ? Cus using that car won’t trigger anything and all the other NPCs are all on wait

Please, help : (

Akari office

Overall I enjoyed the game. I’ll focus on criticism because I believe that it’s more helpful.

  • The mechanics are interesting but they get old really fast. Most of them need some balancing.
  • Money is hard to get at the start but becomes too abundant past day 100 or so.
  • When your max energy is still low, it’s awful to get forced cutscenes, since they waste precious energy as soon as you leave your room. Specially bad when you need to milk your cows, as you won’t get the milk.
  • Sacrificing crops is not worth the trouble. And it’s balanced in a way that encourages busy-work, because sacrificing 10 crops 10 times is better than sacrificing 100 crops once. (Tested with rice.)
  • Being unable to produce more than two batches of cheese is IMO a silly restriction.
  • Requiring the cows to spend most of the day soaking sunlight is extremely annoying, specially since pressing “wait” makes the game skip straight to the night (so you won’t get their milk.)
  • The cost for power apples increases too fast. It’s still reasonable up to 900, harsh at 2700, “I won’t bother” at 8100.
  • Most girls need repeatable sex scenes. Specially Isabella, it’s weird how you get to fuck her once but then the only repeatable scene is one with a sex toy.
  • The spermatozoa+ovum scene is nice to see only if the girl is getting pregnant. Otherwise it’s pointless.
  • Please, get some proofreading. In special, you have a tendency to conjugate “do” alongside the main verb; for example writing “did you tried” instead of “did you try”.
  • Bianca’s cow spots could use a rework. The one on her face looks like a burn, not like a cow spot. And the ones on the breasts have a completely different colour.

Thanks for your feedback.
I will be addressing most of these things by next patch

It’s great to know!

On a lighter side, I loved a lot of things in your game, too:

  • The very idea behind the game is fun. It’s like a simplified Stardew Valley with lots of fetish!
  • Their designs are great. Clearly relat… err “landlady and tenants”, but still distinct enough to feel different from each other, in both personality and looks. And, well, for this kind of game that is what matters the most!
  • The story is fun. And the way that some characters handle is sensible. Specially Isabella, trying to dig further info about the goddesses, gamify the system, and yet being influenced by them (that “welcome, human…” is hilarious).
  • Tying faster pregnancy with faster crop growth was really clever. Specially with the cat foreshadowing it.
  • The balance of crop sacrifice might be off, but the idea is fun. It forces the player to plan out things, because mindlessly destroying crops will get you penniless, but once balanced not doing it will sound like a waste too.
  • The two big resource sinks (car and cheese refrigerator) sound reasonable.

glad you liked bro! :D 
people really like Isabella, huhu

the rate of upgrading the quality of plants is so bad it is not worth doing. 

like, its just so poorly balanced. 

sacrificing 50 is better then sacrificing 100 because doing 50 gives a max of 10 points while sacrificing 100 only gives a max of 8. 

wtf even. 

then, and this is the real kicker, raising the quality 1 rank only gave a 1$ pay increase. 

for just how much you have to sacrifice, this is not worth it.

(1 edit)

I see, I will adjust the numbers, thanks for your feedback

Gee I've never seen a landlord that has such a close relationship with their tenants, it's really heartwarming she cares so much about her clients she even cares for their education and pays for hospital bills.  Usually landlords are just parasites that don't even live in the same house, let alone eat dinner together.

Sure is a weird coincidence they all have the same hair color too though

In my earnest endeavor to craft an optimal and meticulously detailed narrative framework within the context of a simulated environment for the player, I undertook the creation of a complex societal structure that was profoundly impacted by a cataclysmic meteor event. This monumental cosmic collision cleaved the existing social fabric into two disparate strata: the underprivileged, struggling within the confines of poverty, and the opulent elite reveling in abundance. The semblance of normalcy that these groups maintain is intricately woven into the web of their interconnected relationships, meticulously orchestrated to preserve a veneer of stability amidst the dire state of the world.

The fissures in this ostensibly ordered facade, however, reveal a world in distress, grappling with the aftermath of the catastrophic meteoric impact. The repercussions of this celestial calamity have left the planet in a distressing state of decay and disarray, presenting a sobering reality. Despite the stark contrast between the privileged and the disadvantaged, a relentless obligation endures for both strata— the burden of paying rent, a haunting reminder of the intrinsic need to sustain life even amidst the chaos. This recurrent obligation, though seemingly mundane, serves as an anchor to the realism that permeates this intricate simulation, grounding the player in the gritty authenticity of the narrative.

What am i supposed to do here? I tried talking to Isa at the domain and out the front. Any help appreciated

did you tried to bring aurora to the domain?

(1 edit)

yes, she just isnt there though, is it from the schedule or from talking that i get her in the domain?

From the schedule.
Aurora mood also decreases a bit every day, is her mood bar green? If red she will never go there

oh yes, i forgot about mood. thank you :D

After finishing the pregnancy content there's no new hints and quests.

Deleted 1 year ago

not even the event of paying rent on Sundays?

That's the only one I have. After finishing the pregnancy content there was nothing new popping up with the main girls, so I started the optional quests, and while doing that had the couch Sophia event at night, then finished everything with the optional girls. Sorry for the wait on the response!

more likely that you finished all the content already?
If you have the scenes of pregancy, the one to pay rent using the app and the one where you talk with Akari about why your contract with Bastet Didn't worked  you most likely saw all the content.

Please do android again game is def not to big seen games gone over 5g xD

I tested myself how to use joiplay and also made a tutorial on how to use it

Deleted 1 year ago

I used android and joi play is so much better for the future


Joiplay is a must have for fans of naughty games on mobile. Runs most of em and generally if you have everything set up correctly it will run better than a lot of actual apk downloads. Go figure lol.

Definitely looks interesting and up my alley premise wise, especially with customizable relations but...

Are there gonna be anal options and group scenes?

I hope soe. I just like lots of options. The more, the better.

Thanks in advance.





How to make girls pregnant and laying egg?

replay the sex scenes with the green marker

Thanks mate

Any body else unable to download?  My computer keeps autodeleting the download due to virus detection.  I know it's a false positive and I don't know how to circumvent it.

It happens because I use a older version of renpy, the only fix for this is upgrading the game engine, but if I do that old saves will not work.
This is just a false positive. Your antivirus must have a "open anyway" option probably

i am sick after pach 0.1.2 all the girls are on wait and i just been skipping days to see if that work nothing my last even was with ryo when the twop women showed up aat the leaked after she sucked me off 

still having the issue?

He come back!!!!! Woooooooo

I never left, I was inside you the whole time :D inside your heart, i mean

Emm is it just me or the android version is not here. I mean it's downloading the pc version on choice

you have to use joiplay from now on, I linked a very easy to follow tutorial on my last deevlog


About the android version issues, the same problem happend to corrupted kingdom and champion of realms. But they both found a way to make the apk work so you should do your research if you can. Thx for your effort anyway 

I see.

You can reduce the size by compressing images as android doest need hight quality image due to small screen or go the way pale carantions and others went by making 2 files apk and a data file that can be pasted

Amazing new update, been well worth the wait. Just blown away with the amount of content that was added. One question, so that I'm not continuously playing, when will I know that I've completed all the current content? All the girls are currently on wait with the only task to pay bills every Sunday. So I feel that I'm there, is there anything time/event gated or should I just be upgrading the quality of my vegetables.       

there's a credits scene at the very last plot content scene. if you did not see it there must be some main plot scenes left

Thanks for replying, I haven't seen any credits yet.  would you be able to give me a hint on what I'm looking for or need to do to trigger it. I don't want to say spoilers or where I am in the game but like I said everyone is on wait. and the last thing I did was speak to Akari with Bianca if that helps. Any tips you can give me would be appreciated even if they have to be vague so as not to spoil anything.

Apart from the pregancy scenes what is the last one you remember?

Okay so we've got the birth scene, then speaking to Bianca about the baby and then seeing and speaking to Akari. I can't recall the dialogue but I was about the baby with two choices. There's been no end credits and I feel that I need to do something to trigger another bit of dialogue with Akari or maybe another character.

It's weird because the pregnancy is very late on the game. I can't help you much here.

If you want hop on the discord server and I can try to see what happened, but if you haven't seen the credits(or that message in red saying this is the end of the plot content) I think you must have missed some of the content.

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