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how do I get to the kitchen 

same I’m having trouble delivering the milk to kitchen

take the elevator on the hotel, there will be a new place you can go

Hello Ilove this game but im stuck in the mission "ask patricia how to get a cheap car"and when i go to talk to her she doesn't do anything . Have a nice day

I'm not sure what event this is but I think it happens on second floor of the house?
Most of her events take place at the entrance to city hall too and you alse need to know that only one story event can happen in a turn, it's possible some event already happened on said day.

the mission name is: i could ask patricia if she know where i can get a car for cheap . 

during the day, on the living room, look for a new button on the screen

thanks so much


Question: At one point in the game, Sophia asks us what kind of girl we would like and we can choose from 1 of 3 hair colors and a small body or a big body. I know that choices affect the character's reaction, not the plot, but does this choice affect Amy's appearance because I think Sophia is referring to her?

Have a nice day <3

No, nothing changes the appearance of any character outside of the polls I do.

Have a nice day you too <3

After finishing up the car is the current version finished? It has a quest mentioning the fragment however i cant seem to progress it.

Go talk with akari on her office

(1 edit)

What do I do when it says "Ryo is proving to be a great cow" and how do I test Bianca's milk? 

Great game btw rlly enjoying it

Set the girls to be on the cow domain.

is there a cheat code because its really hard to get 2k to fix the car and buy the chess  

Only on the supporters version.

Just spam radish and milk your cows :) Once you can produce cheese, devote all your milk to cheese production :3

Beautiful game <3 Dialogues, characters, plot, everything is perfectly polished <33 The only thing I miss is a gallery. I really like all the characters, you have very good taste ;3 This game is definitely one of my favorites <3 Keep it up! I wish you all the best!

Question: Do our choices significantly impact the plot?

Glad you liked :D
Not the plot, but how the characters react to it


Why is there no download for Android?

From now on just with joiplay, I made a tutorial on how to use it

where do we find the cheats if there are any

On the supporters version, you need to click on the power socket on Bianca's bedroom

How to do the Bianca and auroa know eachother quest

put both in the domain at the same time, make sure that the mood bar is green

how to make the bar green also hot do you befriend Kate it’s been 2weeks lol

replay the girl sex scenes.
She is in Izanami's domain, precisely one week after the first event you had about her.

how do i trigger "let bianca and aurora get to know eachother?"

set both to stay on the domain

interesting history, like everything till now, but its possible to get the girl more active in future uptades? like if their stats get good( max or idk) they can be the one looking for the farmer? idk its just weird i keep talking to shower alone lol


Sure thing :D

Where do I trigger the "Time to tell Marian about Everything"? I simply cannot find it haha 

Look for new buttons on your house


can i just move my old save file to the new update?

¿Qué contenido piensa implementar para el futuro parche?

mostly milf stuff

"Scenes" have sound?

no sound during lewd scenes

What about Sophia  scene?

This patch has a few scenes with her.

Kate has 3 scene only or more ?

4 I think

a onde tem os cheats ??

check the power socket on Bianca's bedroom

Where can i find olivia?


I'm stuck in the bianca calendar task, I keep setting the days but it won't work

check her mood

How do you up her mood?

replay her sex scenes

is there no android file for the new update?

you need to use the pc version with joiplay, i made a tutorial on how to do that on the release devlog.

After getting Binca pregnant, can the pregnancy go to stages other then 0? Are these stages added already and if so, do i just have to wait?

you can only get her pregnant one time for now
her pregancy events will happen every 2 days, unless some automatic event already happened on that day

Hi, can you help? I can't find the button from the cheat menu, they say it's in the socket in Bia's room, but there's nothing there, in principle I'm not sure that I have the latest version of the game, although I play on the android using Joiplay with Windows file

Did you downloaded the supporters or the public version? if you hover with your finger the socket it should appear as "???" on the right corner

I'm using the public version

the public version has no cheat options.

a onde tem os cheat

I got a problem how do you find more about the burecacy goddess kinda forgot her name lol can't seem to start it? 

you can find her on the lake

I did but no dice what time of day to trigger the event

If you are talking about the event with Kate and not Izanami, this one happens starts happening one week later than the previous scene.

I have a dumb question. (Also I don't wanna look through lots of comments to be fair.) How do I give the cakes to Bianca?
Yeah, of course I bought them if you're wondering about that part. The quest I am on requires me to 'update the schedule' for her. Which I have done but now I am dealing with the mood being an issue. So now I am just kinda stuck on that being there while every other quest is on "wait" at the moment.

Besides that, I like the game so far. Kinda confusing how some events don't take any energy that probably should. (Ex: event with Marian when she takes you to the secret spot didn't take energy and changed the time) Yet some that don't seem like they should do that. (Ex: Getting some text messages in the hallway by the bedrooms.) Keep up the good work though.

to increase her mood you need to replay her sex scenes, you can hit skip after it started.
About the energy I will have a look :D

Ah, alright. Thanks for the info. I thought I would have to shove cakes at her... Was willing to waste hundreds on doing too lmao

how much longer until the next patch?

not as much as the last one

I'm at the end of the current build and I have the task "I could go somewhere with Bianca tonight..." but I can't find the point to trigger it.

click on the car icon during the night

Yo. Quick question. Right now, the girls with available scenes. Not all of their scenes are replayable, right? Like, for Bianca, only four are replayable. Same as Aurora. Isabella and Marian has one each and the others just don't have that option.

Are the replays not implemented yet or am I bugging out?

not all are replayable yet.


Andriod version?

only with joiplay.

bet thanks and I have been loving the game so far.  I played it when it first came out and was waiting for the next update for so long.   Do you know when the next update will be?

hopefully in a month

So i came back after the new update and currently all my "events" say wait except for a couple of them are the new ones going to populate and update after a few in game days or do i have to restart with a new save 

This always happens, I find the game catches up to itself after you pay rent, so worst case just play a week and it should be fin.

sorry for the late reply, did you saw the end credits of the last patch? this is the only way to unlock the new content.
If notm you can just copy and replace your save file with the one I provided

Where do I find Angelina? I'm supposed to go help her move.

hotel during the day.

Bianca isnt going to the place to be milked after I updated the calendar.

Check her mood

Im kinda stuck at a optional girl event. it says did himari scare ryo that night? but whenever i talk to ryo anywhere, i only get return option.

It took me awhile to trigger that one. You have to see her on the bench by the shopping district during the day. And obviously you need to be able to have an event trigger. There's usually a square on the bottom left of the screen that says "No more events today" which prevents that stuff from happening.

yeah, what Silvanicous said.

Hey, love the content so far! Keep it up! I have some notes and I agree with everything desuer said down the line in the comments section.

One thing I haven't really seen mentioned so far is the crop discrepancy. I'm not sure if you intend this or not, but outside of growing random stuff to hopefully sell at the Farmer's Cooperative (since it's impossible to see an order and grow everything on it before it clears starting at 0 crops). There is no point in growing anything but radishes.

It seems you want pumpkins to be your hot seller considering the wait time to grow them but they are your worst crop in the game.

It takes 28 days to grow 100 pumpkins and make an untaxed $1000 (let's exclude the first time since you give a pumpkin away at the start making it actually take 35 days to grow enough to sell).  In 28 days the other crops far exceed the effort.

Radishes in 28 days make $4,050.

 Rice in 28 days makes $3,150. 

Cabbage in 28 days makes $2,250. 

If it's energy costs you were considering in profit that's out the window too since rice makes more than cabbage. These are all untaxed numbers but the point still stands. Idealistically you would want things that take longer to make more money (i.e. cheese). That being said radishes are just fine as they are, the high energy cost and profit are well balanced,  but the others need some tweaking.

As for increasing crop quality it just needs a small tweak as it's a great idea. There needs to be a high and a low for each set of 10/50/100 with maybe a slight increase on the low end to sacrifice higher numbers (I'll leave that up to you). Currently sac'ing 10 gives 1-3 points, so if that was the desired outcome then the low and highest when doing it at 50 and 100 should be 5/15 and 10/30 respectively. Right now it's not worth it to do with radishes let alone something crazy like pumpkins. You will currently spend 94 WEEKS of in-game time trying to get pumpkins to be worth just one more dollar (this is assuming you save scum the game to get 3 points every 10 sacrificed), which again,  radishes exist so why bother?

As for a new repeatable Isa scene, just that handjob one we got is absolutely fine, since she calls you "daddy" and is naked during it would make sense that Bastet gets a few more points. Any of the scenes when she was experimenting with the energy gain would be great also but I understand she isn't as interested in getting off herself when doing the bare minimum and not being involved herself has been enough to keep the farm running.

Anyway, thanks for reading this, and here's to the future!


Hey, thanks for your feedback.
The crops numbers will have to be changed in the future, I have some plans for that :D


Hey farm guy bro pls help me 

I think I stuck in in this event.

"It looks like there was a fragment of the  that goddess in my car"

Akari office

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