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I know Isabella mentioned you could give her money to improve the house by getting a TV, patching holes in the walls, etc. Is this currently in the game? If so, how do I start?


I will be adding that next patch

how do you make their modes go up

(1 edit)

I could be off base, but I think Bianca's mood increased once I was able to put her out to pasture.

replay the sex events

Can someone tell me if there are more episodes after the scene where Isabella and Bianca are in the field with pumpkins and an unknown number calls? I was left wanting more scenes with Sophia.

are you on the 1.3 version? this patch has 2 credits scenes

That's the most recent free patch, right?


will there be a mobile version?

sadly no, but the game works very well with joiplay

how long the update will come?


how soon we talking

As soon as I can :D

Hmm looks good, will keep an eye on this one.

hi I was just wondering how to get the girls actually pregnant? there's no clear instruction for me to see on the matter despite being raw

you will get a notification when you can do so, for now only Bianca

why there is no quest give to me?

plant and sell 100 radishes

Hello Mr. Farmer, I'm stuck on a mission. I don't know if you could give me some help. I'm on the mission about the calendar to milk Bianca and I can't find anything to go to the place. help :D

check her mood bar, needs to be green

hey im stuck at talking to patricia to get a car when or where does that happen? all others are on wait

there's a new button to call her somewhere in the house 

I bought the supporter version, how do I open the cheat menu?

on Bianca's bedroom, click on the power socket on the wall

I brought the support version and I clicked on the power socket and nothing happened 

are you playing the game through this version? Does a "????" icon appear when you hover it?

yes I am play this current version and "????" doesn't show up anywhere 

Are you sure? Do you have red bars under the hints? if not maybe you are using the wrong version somehow

A quanto tempo atrás a deusa disse algo sobre as coleiras ? Era uma deusa da colheita de quanto tempo atrás?

20 anos atrás 

35 anos atrás 

50 anos atrás 

85 anos atrás 


is the cheat menu avalible for the version from itcho websit

only for the supporters version, sorry

(2 edits)

but Y there is a cheatmenu file in game files and can u pls give us an approxmitly date for the next patch oh and will the game update automaticly cuase i saw an updater file in the game files........oh and thak u for responding :D

wait, i am a bit confused. Can s.o pls clarify me that the status "Released" mean that the game is completed, right??

not done yet, I can't seen to change it tho

i see. thank you for ur response. pls keep it up and thank you for ur hard work.

what version is it And what was the previous update?

0.1.3 is the current one, former was 0.1.2

Idk why but i some how SKIPPED an event with kate i went from just meeting her to skipping a wine cutscean to the BJ one

know bug, will be fixed by next updote

(1 edit)

I am stuck on "there was a fragment of goddess in my car " and I can't do any thing all other girls say wait plz help 😭 😭 

akari's office during the day

Hey where is the android download, I have been waiting patiently for a response and I still have nothing to show for it, what gives (sorry I am responding with a 💢 attitude but I have been waiting for months for an answer that never came) i really like this game but can't continue the game because it not available for Android phone so please can I get a an answer

Sorry, sometimes I forogor to anwser some questions

the game is too big to fit on android now, android apks can't be bigger than 2gb and the game is over 5gb, the only way to play now is with joiplay.

 you can follow this tutorial, joiplay allows you to play renpy games on android:

Sorry again for snapping, thankyou that information is intended very helpful


How many pregnancy we have, only one? AND BRO PLS ADD GALERY WHERE ALL ANIMATION PLS. There a lot of hot animation which i want rewatch. Game is top realy i played with pleasere. Thank u. U first, who i give comment


yes for now, yes I will :D

this game is too good
but I'm stuck here, can someone tell me why

if im correct just go to her in the morning or night

My game is stuck on the "it's time to tell marian everything" quest, i have no dialogue option, and her secret place has no cutscene at any time

Will there be an android version?

I need help, why are the girls always tired of giving milk?

check the mood bar, must be green

The mood bar is completely green, the milk level always stays low xd

i see, you need to spend time doing things around the map for it to fill


2 questions 

1:Will there be anymore impregnation?

2:When is the next update coming out?


1 yes, 2 new impregnations next update

2 soon

who’s next to get knocked up 

Bianca and Marian

how bout adding the mayor for impregnation and when can we expect the gallery 

Bruh, how did I not realize patch 0.1.3 has been out for 4 months. I was wondering why the patch seemed to be taking so long lmao. Godspeed Mr.FarmGuy



im currently stuck on "i need to go to the calendar in the living room and set up for bianca to spend a few mornings this week in bastets domain" ive set it multiple times, tried different amounts of mornings and im still stuck any fix?

Check the mood bar, must be green

was wondering when that would come into play, thank yo

(1 edit)

it would really really really help to keep kept up with your awesome game if you would label the version on your download links on this site so we dont download 4+ Gigs to find out we have the same version already downloaded  ^_^;    (E.G.  1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)  

I see, sorry for that, but I always let everyone know when I update the game and I only keep the latest version up

Oh i see what youre saying.   No, what im saying is I dont know HOW you tell everyone that the game has been updated, and that even if you keep only the latest version up here, we cant see if it is the version we have downloaded or not because the version number isnt labeled.  ^_^;    It would just be a HUGE help to everyone I think, but meh.   Just a suggestion after all.  Again, thanks for a great game.  ^_^ <3


Oh, i get it now, I will see about that


Does anyone know if the game is still in development or is it already finished? I just finished the missions and it says we're at 50% of the way through the game, but here it marks it as released.

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hi i really like the story and enjoy the game a lot can someone explain me maybe how i update the version without loosing my process? hope you all have a nice day

hey, on pc? just download the new version, the saevs will work

and then let the old on the pc too? Like at one Point i will have the game Multiple times on my Pc or do i miss something?

BTW thank you for helping ^^

it's safe to delete the older, the real saves are located on the %appdata% folder

I got an download error! My Device says "Unzulässig"! What should I do?


What's in the supporter version?

the supporter version has better hints, cheats and you can toggle off some kinks.

(3 edits)

The new patch content all seems to only allow you to do 1 event per day.   This is really annoying as by this point in the game i have nothing else to do, a ton of money and energy to burn.  And this sometimes breaks the story continuity as its like oh i should head over right away and then i have to go to sleep and do it tomorrow.    

The prior content didn't have this issue and i felt the game had a much better pace because of it.   
Still really enjoying it all just wish we could not be blocked so much for no reason.


there's a button on the left botton corner you can click to allow new events to happen while you still have energy left


oh wow thank you i totally saw that and saw it said no more events today.  i dunno if it didn't say that in the old version or i'm silly and never noticed the second line of text that says click to have another event.  Thanks!

Will you be doing a phone version 

Mr farm guy para la próxima versión podrías hacer una traducción si entiendo poco el inglés pero no del todo

the translation is not ready, but there is a fan translation to spanish made

And how do we look for the translation?

I don't know, but I always see a bunch of people posting screen shoots of the game translated to spanish in my discord, maybe is worth asking there

wait new version is out?

hey plz answer quick it’s stuck all girls are on wait and I tried that with the radishe but it doesn’t work and I know it has more content so what do I do

if all girls are on wait, are you sure you planted and sold 100 radishe?

yes multiple times

so what do i do now

how many cows do you have unlocked so far?



join discord and ask people, better cap your screen too

ive assigned Bianca to go to the Domaine and she wont go.

check her mood bar, needs to be green

bro cuando hay nueva version

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