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Is it possible to get Isabella pregnant the first time by the lake at night?

(1 edit) (+2)

No. Currently you can only get Bianca pregnant, but only pretty far into the story. The game will tell you "Bianca can get pregnant from now" or something like that. Until then, no point in trying.

hi, I’m stuck at where the game ended before the update and everything just says wait and I have to pay bills. What do I do? I tried progressing some days but nothing. 

go to the living room during the day

that still doesn’t work. I don’t know what to do

I'm stuck, there are no missions for the characters and I don't know what to do after warning Bianca and Mariam about the crazy bitch at the spring.

I'm stuck, there are no missions for the characters and I don't know what to do after warning Bianca and Mariam about the crazy bitch at the spring.

plant and harverst 100 radishs

No clue what to do here. It has been there for ages and nothing seems to trigger this event. No matter where I go, or who I talk to, I just can't seem to trigger it. Also, if I set Aurora to be on Bastets domain, she just does not show up, unlike the other girls.

put aurora to be cow

Did that, didn't work. Not sure what I did it, but it ended up working since then, figured it may have had something to do with her mood being too low.

Is anyone know games likes this arty style? With mc have landlady(blue hair) and roommate (pink or purple hair if im right), please help me i forgot the game title 😔

Hs tutor 

Thank you

I'm on like day 82 and I can't talk to the Mayor's daughter about getting a car. I have alot of money but that event isn't triggering. It's like I'm stuck in a loop either farming or doing two lewd things to Bianca to make sure there's enough energy for the goddess.

look in the house, there's a new button to call her

how would i get my save from the android file onto joiplay

how does fertility work?

100% fertility  means the girls will 100% get pregnant on one of her scenes that allow pregnancy

aight thx for responding


I just downloaded the game and it is great. But I stuck when trying to use the domain to milk bianca. it's not going anywhere

check her mood bar, needs to be green

hey after purchasing the game I am unable to download as after waiting for the full download to happen I get the error (file not available on site) do you have any idea how or why this would be happening? also is there another way i can download it?

weird, did you tried to download again? some times itch io server is under heavy load and can cause some errors when downloading

Ive tried about 4 times at different times of days and 2 different computers its very strange.

well, if you can dm me on discord with the email you used  during purchasing  I can send you a link to download the premium version.


你好作者,我一直在玩到现在,在支付 5,000 美元的账单并在我的车里查看女神碎片时遇到了一个没有后续选项的错误。


Akari's office during the day

How do i set a surprise for Sophia

talk to Aurora


Please include a option for vaginal hair it makes sex scenes so much hotter

I Agree


I would if I could, but I would have to render all sex scenes twice

How do i progress with May ? It's impossible to have anything with her


I don't think anything has been add for her yet. Other than the very last event that happens in the new update. And its not even you

How do i save my cat


Catto is inside Farmer's Cooperative :)

Deleted 30 days ago

Sorry, I don't know how to help, did you tried using itch io launcher too?

Deleted 30 days ago

Greetings. first of all thanks for this great game.

After i completed the current content, i startet e new game to see if somthing changed. That is when I found an anoying Bug. After one sold the first crops you go to the mayor, where the problem happens. She gives you an Slice of Pumpkinpie (which doesn´t show up in the inventory till you buy one your self) after that there are two entrys of slice of pumpkinpies in the inventory and every use will take 2 away. 

Sorry for my bad english.


yeah, know bug, will fix but I need everyone to start from 0 next update

helloooo, i have the 1.2 version fully completed. how do i go to 1.3 without getting rid of my progress

just download the new one and your save will transfer

tell me, how do I save milk so that it is not sold automatically every morning? Thank you in advance

it's always sold in the morning, you need to milk the girls and deliver as soon as you can

Thanks for the advice, it helped. And can you tell me how to make more money the fastest? Because the 52% tax on the sale of vegetables from the farm is just terrible.

Milk and Cheese is my go too. I ignored crops after I got Cheese


..... Where. Is. The. Android? 


I don't really see an Android being in this kind of game. It's a farm based game. I think maybe in a Space based game there might be an Android, or a Futuristic one. Maybe we could get a Goddess of Phones, and she only shows up when one of the characters are using there phone 

You don't understand, there WAS one for android, and it was working! 

Hi mate, I love this game, a lot. I've been following it for quite a while now.

Anyway, I'm writing this comment to ask if there is any chance I could get the Koikatsu card for Angelina, if I'm honest, I'm infatuated with her and I have nowhere near enough skill to try and re-create her. 

Is this possible? If not, that's alright, it's your creation, so there is no pressure.

Thank you and peace.

(1 edit)

hey, i'm glad you liked her :D

Sadly I can't, she's a commisioned girl so I can't give away her card

Ah, well that’s a shame, but very much understandable.

Thank’s for clarifying that for me, now I’m off to go and spend an ungodly amount of time to try and re-create her.

I look forward to your future updates, hopefully soon I’ll be able to begin to support you through Subscribestar or Patreon, energy bills are a bitch, sucking up all my money at the moment, no promises though mate, cross your fingers for me and I might get this good looking job. Here’s hoping anyway.

Again, I’m a massive fan of the game. If you’re taking requests from penniless fans, more Angelina, my infatuation will drive me mad haha.

Keep up the good work you do, take care and peace.

:D Good luck getting the job bro!


he remove android patch

the game is too big to make an android port, you can use joiplay


not yet, sorry

¿Do you plan to put the game in Spanish?


So, how do you go about activating the "advanced milking" stage?

just follow the plot, it is a main event

good game got a bug where every time i eat a pie i eat two pies

I know, I will fix it next update


ok just letting you know all ready finish this update loved it 

im done with everything else rn but bathing with riley and i cant progress with it

go to the moutain at nigh


Make Android version please

in the future, for now only with joiplay


did bro just increase the boob sizes again bruh can there be a setting to not make it so disgustingly large

Somewhat agree, though idk about "disgustingly large"

(1 edit)

I just completed the current update.....truly fabulous.....keep up the good work. Any news on when the next update is? Its not like I am rushing anyone. Take your sweet time and ensure your health. But I was just really curious about it. An approximate time will do.

soon is all I can say

when can I get the girls pregnant? it show's a green mark like this* on bianca.

only bianca can be impregnated which is only once towards the end of the previous update........and in the current update no girls can be impregnated.....

I think there was a specific message that popped up right before triggering the pregnancy event with Bianca.

All the characters have a "fertility" value within the save file.... I tested if the message about only once and only one character was true by changing the "fertility" values in one of my saves... I gave different values to each character the highest I gave to the Mayor at 400 and she still mocks you after cow girl sex with a comment about she might get pregnant in the future but today she's not very fertile.... currently the "fertility" value never changes so the pregnancy system is definitely not active yet.... I am looking forward to some bouncing bote ("Bote" is basically "Baby Bump" in Japanese... it will get responses on you website of preference for waifu enjoyment.)


I finished the update..... However, I think I need to restart the game to check some of the choices made in earlier sections of the game. All the girls are Best Girls... This game is amazing as all the content released is enjoyable... 

I have two "problems" with the game so far... 

Number 1) some best girls still don't have repeatable events despite story events suggesting they are more than happy to repeat experiences with you. 

Number 2) There are some others that should have had an expanded set of repeatable events.... I'd even be fine if I could just trigger some of the teasing events from a menu similar to the Mayor's or other best girls that are bester for letting you fool around with them during non-story map roaming.

(I think both are a result of there not being a gallery system yet... but I much prefer revisiting events in game as to keep the fantasy of interacting with the waifu intact as just "remembering times of yore" when going into an out of game gallery to replay a scene.)

Hey, glad you liked!

about 1 and 2, this is all due to some limitations of the way I made the game systems, I will change that on 0.2

I trust that you will fix it at some point. 

As simple of a request as it seems on the surface your reply confirms my suspicion that there's some weird quirk in the code that occurred while you were developing up to this point that makes the task way more complex. I am desperate for some repeats of interactions with some of the best girls that blue ball people with single instances of spicy time during story events. I will restart from the beginning to see if there are any apparent glitched repeatables that didn't unlock in my current save.

On a different note.  There are some best girls that specifically ask you to be respectful during some choices.... And since they are all best girls  I tend to want to choose the respectful path.... which is another reason I have to restart the game because it seems that being respectful of a certain glasses wearing farm accountant leads to one of the worst cases of blue balls I've ever received from a h-game in my life.... and the certain redheaded lawyer is killing me.  It's got to have been at least 12 months or longer now.... each update giving sweet sweet milky goodness then having me look up into the sky while pretending to scream (not going to get a noise complaint from the neighbors) because there's still only one of the first best girls unlocked while the other two ask you to wait "just a little bit longer" which by "in game" timeline is probably a couple weeks or months... but in IRL time the "just a little bit longer" is turning into some kind of spicy harassment and/or emotional manipulation. (and because of those two characters malicious blue balling I sometimes wish I had never heard of game until it was already finished)

This last update was great. I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were some events that occurred that addressed some of my issues I just mentioned. Unfortunately, the quirk in the code you mentioned made for a big sad since I have to reload before some major events to rewatch them and be reminded of the unfortunate moment that story gets paused at since at least one character promises to be a spicy friend with you once the event is over but she reverts to just offering the same reluctant grump event that you can only see once during an in game day.  That I think was what prodded me into not lurking and posting something. The relationship has definitely progressed passed the begrudging stage but her only repeatable is one where she's rude and wants the event to finish.

yeah, next patch, I just need everyone to start on fresh saves to fix all at once.

the bug is quite simple, I don't have a way to check if a repeatable scene happens during the day or not.

Keep up the great work. I love this game and will probably still load it up to play years later... I suspect even after my naughty bits stop responding to spicy stimuli.... That's how much I enjoy this game and what it has promise to be when completed.

i remember that there was an android version about a year ago am i wrong ?

too big for android


this update was amazin. i did not expect so much content. im not even finished with is all :'D. completly exceeded all mah expectations monsieur farmguy. absolutly brilliant work <3


(1 edit)

Why always failed download Danger file

Nice update, i just wish i had already finish it.... Can t wait till the next.


I am still lost on how to get bianca pregnant. It says the girl can't get pregnant so am I missing something? Like seriously her affection is full. The only thing not full is the psy bar but I dont know how to fill that up and as far as I can tell I never get a prompt to give her gifts if thats an option

after you get the notification, replay her sex scene with a green marker

I have literally over a hundred times

after you got the notification? this is something that only happen pretty late at the game

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