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Is there going to be a new android APK soon?

i'm not sure yet

hey man nice game btw but i am having a problem because of the "mayor" ever time i entract with her the game crash i was tring to avoid her but there is this one mission where i am forced to talk to her and every time i try doing this mission it crashes the game the mission is (the one where you go to the meeting with her) the fisrt one i don't know if there is more or not but that one is the main issue i have been getting and it is really annoying but there is also alittle something that happens and that is i don't really see the buttons until i hover over it like the "talk to" or "go outside" or even "the phone" and the others it really doesn't stop me from playing but it is really annoying to try to find where is the button i need to click so please help me fix this so i keep playing this amazing game.

I would like to have the option to increase farming efficiency, please! Like more land for example.


i cant progress the thing says i need to spend afew mornings with bianca in the domain but when i set the calendar she doesnt show up in the domain

check her mood bar, needs to be green

Everyone says wait and I finished the child scenes with Bia. Just tells me I got to pay bills

probably finished all the content so far

all stuck on waiting and pay bills, did the radish grow and sell and still noting, anything else i can try

what is the last scene you remember having?

Angelina sleeping

Can't wait for Isabella and Angelina to be cows



Several days have passed and no missions appear, I think I'm done with the content of the version

what was the last event you had? there's a credits scene after you are done with the content

I think I had the scene at the end but then he let me have the baby.

probably finished all the content so far

OK, thanks a lot


how do i know that i have recived a blessing? i try to click on overgrowth but nothing happens


No need, it will automatically apply as long as you have enough energy. While active it should say X number of days left

hey Mr. FarmGuy, every time i try to join the discord, it just says "oops unable to join server"

you probably was banned by having a hacked account, send me your username for me to check


thank you

you are not banned

Deleted 322 days ago

The calendar should list what you need to do.

I have the 0.1.1 version on android, and i wanted to install the latest version. I already installed joyplay and i know how to use it, the only thing is: can i move my saves from the android version to the pc version that i will use with joyplay? If yes, where are the save of the android version? because i cant find them

I think it is in Android/data/cyou.joiplay./files/

Sorry, i didnt explained myself well. Right now i have the android version 0.1.1 (apk, not with joiplay), i wanted to know where the saves of the android version are.

oh, sorry

I don't know if is possible to do that

Out of curiosity, does this game include breeding?  

you can impregnate, but nothing happens with the offspring yet

Im stuck on a main mission called "it looks like there was a fragment of that goddess in my car" it the mission after getting $2000 and handing it to patricia to fix the car up, how do i start that mission

akari's office during the da

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I've changed the calendar repeatedly but bianca will not go to the domain and it wont go away from my tasks, is there a special thing that i need to do with the days she goes or is my save bugged? the quest about the girl with izanami also wont go away and i cant seem to figure out how to complete that quest either

U gotta keep her mood up check the ring to see her mood

It seems that I'm stuck. The hints for all girls say "wait" and my own hints say "I have to pay the bills" and "I have to talk to Patricia about getting my license". I can farm and make money but storywise nothing happens. Thanks!

go to the city hall during the night

so I downloaded the new update, and am very lost. what do I do to progress to the new update. (I already finished the game up to the previous update) thank you!

the new content starts when you enter the living roo

got it, thanks

Will it be available in Spanish?

one day


 WHAT do I need to do at this stage? (it looks like there was a fragment that goddess in my car)

akari's office during the day

Why is not use android again?

game is too big to fit inside an apk

Oh ok. Ican't follow it, cause i only have smartphone android but it was nice game. 😁😁😁


You can use Joiplay and use the PC version

using the game with joiplay works very well.

but keep following this game, in the future I plan to come back with the android version

When I try to join the discord through the link i get this message, any other way to join?

this link?

yeah same thing happens, no clue why

dm me, maybe your account was banned by the bots

all good, i just made a new account and it let me join

Running into the same issue, and not seeing where to DM you. Assuming Discord?

yeah, discord
the invites are still working.

I'm stuck on all the girls saying "wait..." am I just caught up or did I break something?

plant and sell 100 radishes

tried this but nothing changed :/

what was the last event you remember having?

I had just finished some of the massage stuff with Sophia(and what comes after) and truck stuff with Bianca

all it says right now is "I have to pay the bills..." everything else says "wait"

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hello guys, I am completely new to the topic of uploading my progress from an older version of the game to the latest version of the game and have zero knowledge about things and I seriously don't want to start playing the latest update from the start. So I need your help guys...........pls explain........especially for this game.........

am on Windows btw.......

If you had old saves on the same computer and just downloaded a  new version, it should find them by itself and be able to open them. If you have a new pc and a bunch of saves from the other PC, just go into a game, make a save in a first place you can to create a folder, and just toss those saves into it.


gotta be sick of hearing it by now lol but how far off until the next update? i imagine it's got to be pretty close by now, looking forward to it


i'm literally shaking in my chair and cold sweating...

With that said, any moment, just one big bug away


damn bro make sure you look after yourself ahah, no need to die over the game

How do I progress ryo. I've been stuck on "I wonder how ryo is doing" every time I talk to here there is no dialogue 


Bring android back


No android version damn


Play on Joiplay

can't find anything called joiplay

Google it JoiPlay Patreon and bam free downloads unless you want a beta version


Play on

Cant get to the milking of Bianca, it just says to use the calendar, which I have. How do I get past this point?


get her mood up , the go to the portal on the day when u wanted her to be milked


I've been curious about something, the whole laying eggs thing, will there be something similar to the bells that turns them into Harpy's and that's where the egg laying part comes into play?

It will be side content.

a Machina you can find that stops all girls from getting preganant and make so that they lay eggs

I am stuck at the part where it says it is time to tell Marian about everything but every time I click on her there is no option to talk to her 

go to the place she found I think

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is this so big u cant update on itch or patreon


So question
If I buy the Patreon version here does that include all future patches? or do I have to buy it every time?

I joined the discord to figure out what is going on and basically something about item fetching only working half the time and causing an error the other half of the time. "The problem is that this works sometimes but sometimes it doesn't, so I'm rewriting the function that updates the seed qualities." - Farm Guy

I update the version here 15 days after on patreon but you don't need to buy it again

when is the estimated time for the next update?

a matter of days

Dev said a matter of days two weeks ago so who knows.

(2 edits)

also said he could taste the milk 52 days ago, probably expired by now

whatever, probs just gonna focus on Out of Touch, hotter and better story with regular updates

where can this Out of Touch game be found bcs i searched here on itch but cant find it


its on itch


The next patch is finished story-wise but some things in the update are causing the game to break, such as the gallery causing lag and errors popping up trying to fetch items for the new patch. "The problem is that this works sometimes but sometimes it doesn't, so I'm rewriting the function that updates the seed qualities." - Farm Guy

Hmm. I've got the problem that i get no more milk from Bianca. The bucket is full with fresh milk but no milk is addet to the storage.  The storage is emty. I'm playing on pc v.0.1.2; btw, nice game! ;)

you mean the storage in the domain? you have to check it immediately after you milked, it will be sold tomorrow. 

(1 edit)

Yes, the domain storage. When i finisht milking in the top left side comes an infobar.   At the first few milkings there was always 1l or so but now 0l. When i'm looking at the storage right after the milking, there is no milk. Same with Aurora. Not really a thing but i like the vision of having milk from "my cows". ;)

Okay. I played a few minutes after this post and bam,  2lL from Aurora. Strange. Yesterday zero liters from Bianca and Aurora and no money from milking.

The game is time based and you have to do things around town to get the milk gauge to fill. There is a glitch right now on the mayor that makes it so you can milk her twice without going through the animation. Play the normal animation and the skip button will remain in the corner. If she is full you get 20 instead of 10.

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How do I give gifts in the game? I need to give Bianca a cake but I am unable to. I am on pc 

The task giving Bianca a cake you just talk to her. No other ways of giving  gift.

I stayed in the part where I get Ryo as a cow and I have a mission plus I have to use Aurora as proof of the spell but I don't know how to complete this, or this are the end of the versión and  I wait for a new version

a new place was unlocked I think, or just find Aurora


is there Audio for the sex scenes if not are you planning to add some in the future updates 



not now but I will try


Is there meant to be Audio during the scenes or not because i dont hear anything but i get the icon sounds? I started recently


There's no sound during sex scenes yet

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