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Great game, I had a bug tho, my texts weren't there. I couldn't read them. I could read what was sent but out going text messages were blank.

Know bug on android, still don't know what is causing this

In one of the conversations it looked like one of the words was slightly clipping out of vision on the right side. It may be an issue that the text is just so far out of the box that you cannot see it. This is just my guess, based on what I saw.

hm, I see, do you remember on what scenes this happened?


No, sadly I don't remember which scene I saw this, and I really don't feel like diving back through it to find it again. All I can say was that I saw have of a letter or two clipping in from the right most side of the phone screen.

It might be a layers issue where the background is above the text.  Just a possibility.

How do I get the girls in the domin for some odd reason they won't go in when I use the calendar

the mood bar must be green

I will give a try and thank you

(2 edits)

Great game, its really enjoyable but some of the way the characters say things are confusing and some spelling mistakes every once and a while.

Also, no matter how much pie i have, it uses it all and only gives 1 energy, i have to buy a pie twice to get it

Glad you liked it!

Maybe it's a bug, will look into that.

Stuck on turn the mayor into a cow. How do i do that?

There's a button near the table on living room to call her during the day

Ah thx man

How does the overgrowth system work? I have enough energy gathered but nothing happens when i click on the button

Passive effect, you just need to have 50 energy every week.

thanks you

Things will only grow on your farm as long as overgrowth is active and it automatically gets refreshed as long as you have enough energy and if you do run out then the effect will automatically get reapplied the next morning after you've accumulated enough energy.

The "Bless my farm" Screen is only there so you can check how many turns are left on the effect and how much energy you have.

This, more or less, there's more blessing comming in the future.

Do the sex scenes have any voice? 


Not sure if i broke the game or not, but at the part where your supposed to have "Bionca and the Mayor get to know eachother better" AND it says "schedule Bionca to go to the Milking farm again" I get no promps anywhere for them to do anything and I no longer can get Bionca to show up at the milking farm. Not sure if something bugged with me trying to get them both scheduled for the same day or what not but i think im soft locked.

Her mood bar is green? if not replay her sex scenes

Maybe i didnt realise there was a mood bar, i havnt been able to keep it filled xD

Stuck with "wait" for every girl tried planting over 200 radishes still nothing don't know what to do at this point on on day like 160 something and just can't move forward don't really want to delete but if I have to then I guess that's the end of this game til the next update

Do you have two cows? if so is most likely you finished all the content.

guess I finished then

Why i only see the girls texts in masseges?

Know bug  on android, still looking for a fix

(1 edit)

How to improve Blanca's mood?

Have sex with her or do sexual acts

several times?

at least once a day 

go on the option lets have some fun and replay those

The game have great potential, i look forward to future updates ~! .. but please make a bed icon for easy home or bedroom teleport

that is... a good suggestion, will do that.

(1 edit)

I have no idea how but after my first encounter with Kate, I went to sleep and suddenly a weird cutscene played where she mentioned something we never did.

Also, the wolf cutscene played twice, once when I left Marian's place and the 2nd time when I went to her place.

Edit: Some events, such as when Sophie and the Goddess went to the hot spring repeat

I will fix the kate issue.

About the wolf I have no idea how this happnend, I made a fix for a week ago, did you dowloaded this patch from here or from another source?

Oh yes definetly from here. I... um well I wanted to see if anything would change if I repeat the BJ and it so happened that it was late into the night when it was over and the cutscene played, then I did some other stuff and I saw the prompt that I should visit Marian at night and I saw the wolf cutscene again.

I see, thanks your comment I was able to find the real reason that was happening (but the last fix also fixed something very important)
I uploaded the fix, sadly if you want to retry you need to load the latest save before the first time the wolf incident happened

Oh damn


Robbing energy for forced interactions you don't have control over feels pretty terrible.

Missed the first friday car ride for fence stuff because all my energy was taken by automatic interactions.   (┬┬﹏┬┬)

Sorry to hear that, I will give ways to increase the player energy this patch.

oh man, the fetishes in this game, they just tickle certain fantasies. heh heh heh. I love this more than I should


Deleted 1 year ago

Liked the game, when will you add the scenes where I can rewatch again?

Focusing on adding more content for now but will work on a gallery soon

Ah i see, well keep up the good work man

Does telling Sophia your type actually do anything?

I can't really tell if she's supposed to be a red-head or if her hair is considered brown.  

she is a redhead, it will change things on future convos.

how do i increase my energy?

It will increase as you talk with Bastet

you can refill +1 by eating pie too - in inventory, use, can be bought from May

When i text with some one the stuff that i say dosent show up is there a way to fix it?

This is happening only on android and I still haven't found a way to fix, but i'm looking into it

oh okay thank you anyway

I have an idea for what this game might need for people who play the game where people might walk in while they play. A button in the game which when you press it; The game screen turns into one of those crappy farm games so that you don't get caught playing a porn game.

Deleted post


Where does the code.code go on Mac? I have the toggles, but that's all.


I really like it, this game is really good

Glad you liked bro!

ok how do you get the girls pregnant. the  Fertility is maxed out. bit still no sex  execpt at the start ...


no pregnancy events happen until i finish writing the scenes so now the girls are in a "locked state". from the next patch some of them will be ready

ahhh ok thank you


Is there a way to increase the Girls fertility

it increases based on her mood, if you keep it green it will reach max after a few days

Forgive me if i  missed it but how do you raise Bianca or any other girls mood

Replay her sex scenes.

Mc Texts are not showing up, only the girl's texts show up. On Android thought I'd let you know.

Weird, thanks for letting me know.

Same for me really weird


In the future you will have gallery replay?



How do i get Bianca to Bastet's Domain? I tried putting her there on the schedule through the living room, but it doesn't seem to be working


Look her mood bar, it must be green, you can increase it be replaying sex scenes with her

Ok i am Having a Bit of a Problem, How does one Cast or Use the Spell that the Goddess Has? I have tried Clicking on it, Nothing Happened. clicked all over the Name of the Spell,the energy cost,the time Left Nothing? so how does one use those spells??

It's a passive blessing, you just need to have 50 energy points every 7 days

Really? Damm that is Sweet.


thanks you much android 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹❤


How close are we to 0.2.0? and will this version be installable on the app itself

There's still a 0.1.2 before 0.2.0 so more than 2 months away. worth trying the game now, it will change quite a lot on 0.2

Also, I just put this version on app

Sorry i meant 0.1.2 regardless thank you for the quick response!

Its a Great Game so far in my opinion 

but is there such a thing as a correct order for the girls ?

I did the main story until i have to wait for new updates but it confuses me  that you have a 3some with isa and bianca before you have sex with bianca or did i just missed events because i only did the main parts ?

You didn't missed anything, is just that they love each other very much :D

For version 0.2.0 I will add more earlier scenes like a full sex scene with Bianca before the 3some


I am stuck after the point  i gave the towel to sophia and some other tasks and now i dont see any quests is this the end?

Probably, this scene is very late in the patch. Do you have Aurora as cow and did you saw the end of content scene?

(2 edits)

Is anyone else having the problem of not being able to see the Isa massage event? It is only allowing me to hear her reaction from it, unless I saw it and don't remember.

Oh, I will fix that, it probably only happens if you are going on the nice guy route

I downloaded the new update and loaded my save but I don't see the new content, am I doing something wrong?

did you finish the last patch content before? It should start automatically as soon as you enter the living room.

Nope nothing, it's as if I still had the last patch

But you saw the end of screen scene last patch right? the one with Bianca running after isabella.
also you downloaded the 0.1.0 or the 0.1.1? I have both up for people who can't use mega

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh gosh I'm sorry, I hit download earlier but it didn't change versions, thank you for telling me to check the version, sorry for the trouble

edit: It says it's not compatible here so that must have been it !

(1 edit)

There is too many "correct order" moments for a Sandbox game. My playstyle usually is max out relationsips with girls one by one. But the text just not suited for this, its made for equal progression :c. I keep getting lines in the text, that assumming i already did certain things when i dont. But this is a slight annoyance. The game is great! (Sorry for bad english.)

Sadly I have to do that so players can find the content more easily, but I will add more branching soon.


Great game, there's a bit of typos here and there, the one thing that bothered me was the dialogue, instead of the sentence being between "brothers" it should be between "siblings" or "roommates" depending which option the player decides during the intro, since that took me out of the immersion, other that that small thing, I can't wait for the rest of this game to be updated and fully realized 


Ty guy! loving the game and i  cant wait for the pregnancy patch, Keep up the amazing work!


Some lenghty feedback on the game. I played until about the second girl visible on the ring thing. (Some SPOILERS below).

It is fun so far and the animations are fantastic.

There should be some kind of "warning" in the game, that a big vn style introduction is going to happen before the game play loop. (Yeah it is written on the game page somewhere, but who reads those).    Also I do not think, this is called sandbox. Having "quests" and a progressing story is rather the opposite of sandbox. It is management and dating sim what I could see so far. I dispise true sandbox like minecraft. 

The english grammar is an eye sore sometimes. Every pronoun in English that is not refering to a person should be "it". The family avoiding option is not consistent. There are still words like bro in the text. What you type for your relation is also used for the mayor and the vice mayor. The non family relation words are not capitalized where needed. Why not just have one alibi question at the start that explains, that mc is adopted by his foster mother (or not. hint, hint) and have the text done consitently, if blood kinship is an issue. Also, it does not make sense whatsoever whenever mc claims that it would be wrong to lust after ones room mate. Bah. Roommates and childhood friends hooking up is pretty vanilla. Also, it would not be forbidden love, and the cat goddess claimed, that it would be more valueable when it is forbidden.

Quality of life is lacking. No X button to exit dialogues is a big start. But there are too many useless clicks. I keep constantly pressing control to skip the mindless repeating stuff just to traverse locations. The fading in and out adds to the time. Having doors act as the button would be more immersive. Also going to the field, as you would go to the storage without involving the town map. And what I will never understand, why in vn games there are often several dots used as a text option. I talk about clicking like 5 times, just to work on a field and seeing . .. ... as the dialogue. This is not fun for repeatable scenes. Also, scrolling through the town map is ... not very map like. It is not random access, like a map. It is sequential access.

Character motivation put me off in the second "conquest". MC already knows from experience that he has to make the girl orgasm. His own fun has nothing to do with the harvesting. So when his second encounter offers her v-card ... why? He should at least offer to only make her feel good, after she could reply, that this would not be true love or some nonsense excuse. Also, he is not really experienced at this point, so actually putting it in* would have the risk of him getting soft before she reached her orgasm, and as such failing in the task of harvesting true love energy.

* using up his own v-card, as far as I knew. Can't remember any establishing of his previous sexual expericence. His first conquest    did ask if he left a girl-friend, which he denied.

Thanks for your feedback, I hope the shortcomings don't stop you from enjoying the game.

about the game aspect, I know... I am planing on making  some changes soon to avoid most of the clicking, correct some bugs once and for all change how the map works and make the game more enjoyable.

about grammar, the later I work the more I let these slips... also the bro refering to friend whe you are talking to Bianca and for the mayor and the vice mayor... they do look similar, right?

about the plot, valid points. I prefer to leave things open to interpretation, but I admit it could use some polishing.


As I said, the game is fun and looks good. If I did not enjoy I would not take the effort to comment.   (And to add insult to the now banned scammer, I actually found you through the scam page...)

I only nitpick from my pov. I play computer games for decades now and it irks me a little when the same bad design choices are made over and over again. Design might not be the correct term. User interface. Or usability to use the IT  term. That you can exit any menu by clicking outside is an    example how to do this good.  

I am not English native speaker. But since the internet is English... well. I never saw usage of "bro" from a female to a male or another female. "dude", yes, "guys" all the time. But "bro", nope. Maybe this is a new or regional thing or I am just too old ;-)  And of course I was biased because of the whole optional family avoidance mechanics.    If that one girl calls the mc "bro",  it is hard to take it as a "dude"   greeting.  I think it was actually a compound word like farmer-pro-bro or similar. It just piled up on all the forced sounding family avoidance. Oh noes, we cannot do this, you are my roommate. So what?

I do not know the reasoning for this mechanic, but to keep the moral naughtiness and the incentive from the cat goddes for forbidden love, I would probably (lazily) solve it like this, to make it opt-in/opt-out for the player :    when the mc defines his relationship the editable default text would be "adoptive sister" and similar. The problem is, to make it optional and keep the frame of some of the story and interactions at the same time, it has to be something that is still some kind of forbidden love. Roommates and tenants are not. It might be inappropriate for other reasons, but not forbidden. For example your landlady might fobid it under her roof. But society does not.

this guy has reuploaded your game, also copying your description. Judging by the different file size, the comment section turned off and the fact that he spammed "his" game under other popular games' comment sections it's safe to assume he's doing it with malicious intentions.


I reported, thanks for letting my know!


My pleasure. 

Love your game and can't wait to see more!


The obvious malware bait   is tagged family-friendly. My tummy hurts from laughing.

So I just had a cutscene trigger where Bianca was feeling a little jealous of Aurora being the new cow in town.  However, I haven't even gotten Aurora on the farm yet, so it looks like it's possible to get the scene a little "out of order".

Also, how do I get Aurora on the farm for milking?  Hints and Quests just says it's time to turn her into a cow, but I don't get any dialogue options with her.

for the first this is really out of order indead
for the second, a new button appear on the living room to call her, after that the scene with jealous  Bbianca will reapeat, but you can just ignore.

damn, Aurora is reallhy giving me trouble...

if you can please send me a save file, I really want to know how this happened: tenmo#6071

Thanks for the quick response!  Yeah, I'm pulling you up on Discord now.  Do you just want the main file, or do you also need the "persistent" file as well?

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