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Hello! I just attempted to download the game, but I keep getting an error that say's "File wasn't available on site". Has anyone else had this problem? 

OK, so new problem, Now its telling me I don't have enough space, but I checked and I have over 18Gs of space, so now I'm completely lost. if anyone has experienced anything similar and knows how to fix it, do hit me up.  


Never mind, I figured it out, and if anyone else has this issue, if you are using an external hard drive for storage, you have to download it to your PC first instead of trying to download it to the hard drive directly.

Scared to death that this update will be so massive and spectacular my MacBook will no longer be able to run it smoothly


I also did some optimizations to everything :D


this is why you're a most excellent developer, party on FarmGuy



if the new update comes, how do you update your game and keep your safe data?


move the saves file to the new one

It's been announced that the previous saves won't work in the update. Too much of the base programing has been changed and the game wont recognize the file. Although FarmGuy has said that there will be a save file included. It was also stated that there is a lot of new content in the earlier stuff

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Or at least Include some Christmas content if you're gonna drop it in December



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Hello, a question, why I no longer get missions to do? or is it only Demo and the full content must be purchased? I only get (Wait). To clarify that I only did about 9 or 10 missions.

no the patreon just gets an earlier update available, you've probably just hit the end of the available content total. This game is still WIP

plant and sell 100 radishes

I know it's a bit late and I'm on android version 0.11 and I wanted to play it, but what the heck did they add!?

How much gigabytes be for the update, it it long I think I have to use my tablet for this one, it good game


the new update will be more than  8 gb in total


damm💀, that a lot of gb, I can see why there no more android support, I'm glad it support joiplay for my tablet to play, thx for the info, I'm gonna enjoy this new update when it come out for my tablet



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any idea how long till the update drops Mr.FarmGuy

i dont now he mean september first but i dont know 


sorry, i can't promisse it will be fast, just that it will have a lot of content


question: i downloaded the game and now i have (my family farm) and (my family farm-32) whats the diference?

none, I think the 32 is for old systems

Thanks man 

awesome game btw




Sorry to hear that, but you will be able to play the game with joiplay on your android device :D

Como se pueden subir los rangos de los cultivos?


any idea when the update for this game will come


very soon

did you cann say a release month 

very soon is the best I can promise

Will this game release for Android because my pc dying soon 😭😭

sadly only with joiplayu

hey so I played the free version and i played the patreon version and it seems the free download from here has more content then the version i downloaded from patreon? Did i possibly get the wrong link? and if so is there a different place i can get the most modern download link?

both versions have the same content, patreon only has more and better hints, but weird, maybe you missed some options?

in the patreon version i got to a point where all it says is i need to pay the bills and all the other options are just "...wait" 

but there's still scenes and missions i haven't done that i know exist since i played the free version trough on here

at the very start? did you planted and sold 100 radishes?

no its much further I can show you a screenshot if itll help?


what is the last event you remember?
maybe try going to the living room, it can trigger new events too


when does Bianca get pregnant? is after i buy the car ($2000)?


pretty much yeah



Is there a way that game video doesn't show in files or gallery?

where to go from here 

nvm it just takes like three weeks

Guy´s need some help got the hint "It looks like there was a Fragment of the Goddess in my Car" waht do i do now ?


go to Akari's office



can someone tell me what to do i have no clue what to do i have everyone on wait 


go to Akari's office

thanks friend

It's been a long time since any devlog was released


but I'm posting sneak peeks daily on discord btw

Think I managed to softlock on most recent free build. When I first got the Apple of Power cutscene, the blessing didn't actually unlock, and later in the game I've gotten to the point where I "Better take the girls to Bastet's ritual", and the Apple blessing unlocked but I can't get any cutscene for the ritual. I've tried doing the 100 radishes thing several times and waiting for several weeks in game but no further events are happening regardless of where I go or during what time of day.

check for new buttons on the house map

ah, don't know how I missed that. thanks, was really confused when the blessing dropped a while after it appeared in the story and thought I was somehow stuck earlier in progression

What is the best version to get? The supporters version 1 or version 3?

3 sounds like it would be better for a higher version if so why pay for version 1?

all are the same.

just a question when will the next update be out roughly?

Hey, how do I know for a fact I've exhausted every bit of content currently in the game? Because I got the credits for end of current main content but there was still much more content for me to play through after that. 

When we will have the new update it has already been a long time 😖

can anyone tell me How I.m Support to do that ? 

in the main room in the house on the left side there is an interact button next to a calendar.

in that calendar click on her icon then the day/s you want to set then in the bottom right corner of the ui there should be "change task" click that then "stay at domain"

Deleted 84 days ago

increase the mood bar


So how do I go about doing this? I'm given no option to do this at any time when they are separate or together

at night on BIanca's bedroom

Is the paid version of this game on patreon? and if so which monthly sub is it behind

Yes, any sub.

thank you

Will be there a android version?


No. The size of this game is too big for an app. But you can still play the windows version on your phone through JoiPlay.


Is this the last seen for the current version? Or there still more?


that's the end of version 3 (current)

How to use Baste's bless.

Just have the energy, this is a passive efect

Thanks,got it

When was the last update/eta on the next one?

The post history say April 28th was the release of 1.3 (the current version). From what I can recall the cycle of release is fairly long. I am expecting something "soon" (as in before the end of the year).

The dev keeps telling me to join the discord to track update progress but I'm lazy.


updates are big as I always add scenes for all the girls.
but you can expect something like more than 1 hour of content for each month I spent working.
(I post previews almost every day on discord btw)


guys does this game have a cheat menu if it does tell me please

it does, but you need to buy supporets version


 i have the free version

What is the difference between the supporters version and free?

-better hints with the location of every event
-you can toggle off some kinks

Im on the pc version how do i get the cheats to work? i clicked the wall socket and there isnt a sock

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Bianca's bedroom, click on the power socket, it should apper a "????" on the top right corner when you hover it

I'm afraid I had already tried the socket


can you help me ,where is the place of the sock if it is the one on the wall  i pressed it it didnt work for me i have the free version

how do i fix ryo bike

check your car during the day

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