Ok first of all i ready dont know where i live comment so i dont know what the hell i am walking into. Second of all to the dev. The game seems very interesting but if possible could you do an android version
This is day 8 of Waiting for the new update god help us all we lost tom to a over watch porn game and I went back to YouTube for some time and spent time with the family. Idk not that bad so far
A promising beginning, looking forward to see the plot unfold!
One idea, though: Can you try to pace the autofired events better? It was probably bad luck but I had two in-game days in a row consisting only of auto events (mainly the event series of Sophia and goddess getting drunk but every other time slot filled with snippets of other threads) - no chance to do anything myself and as the scenes have no clear beginning and end it was a confusing potpourri of impressions not really fitting together. Maybe some flag that two autmatically started scenes cannot run directly in a row?
i am quiet surprised i am not completly ready with this update and i must say i like the progress so far. ok some type errors are here and there but its just minor thing. for this long time of waiting for the update i must say worth it. when i see others doing an uptade for just some 15min of contant from like 3 moths of waiting. (you dont know whats happening in there privat life). i hope this game becames more and more popular so that you can have more fun makeing it and we have the fun of playing it. PS i like the funny moments with Bastet and Sophia. and fav char so far i would say the Mayor ( i hope you can make the way to buy more condoms with her secretary in game )
latest update was a lot of fun! I think you're doing a great job and I'm looking forward to seeing how the story progresses. Remember to take breaks when you need them.
So for some reason, my farm breaks around day 17. Nothing will grow anymore. Had to restart the game, rollback wouldn't go back to before I planted. Made sure to save frequently this time, and its around day 17 that the farm stops growing. Getting Baset's help to bless the farm will move it one stage, but its not growing on its own. Any helpful ideas?
You need to have enough energy, the one you get by having sex with the girls. if her energy ended on day 17, you had sex on the same day to make enough energy the farm will only start working again on day 18
Wait so it goes from growing on its own to spending 50 points every day? That doesnt seem right. Especially since for radishes it would be 100 points. Still gotta pay 200 bucks every week. No time for the girls at this rate.
Edit: also, whats the point of the apple then? if I'm getting extra energy but I have to spend it going to the mountain every day, then its not extra.
Edit 2: to clarify the sex bit: It stops growing, I unlock the shower scene, it doesn't grow after that.
Talk to bastet about her blessings. in the description it says "x turns left" every day is 2 turns and it gets refreshed automatically once the current blessing runs out.
regarding the apple. Your egnergy recharches to its current MAXIMUM each day. The apple event increased your maximum from 2 to 3 so from there on out you will ALLWAYS start the day with 3 energy with no further maintenance needed.
the farming works like this: - Bastet blesses the farm for 14 turns (day/night) a week, after that she stops checking for energy - after those 14 turns are over she checks if she have 50 energy left, if she have she then blesses the farm for more 14 turns, if not she waits and do that again next morning only.
This is more like a passive skil, as long you have energy.
The apple gives you permanent energy
Not all sex scenes gives you all the energy you need, most give you around 15~20
And there's the communication issue: Its stopped being passive. I have to go up to her every day and do the blessing. Since it is no longer passive, I have to earn 40 a day and go up to talk with her. Or I can earn 60 and go up the following day, using the last 2 energy to plant and farm. Ultimately, I only get to farm 2 days a week. Re-clarifying: I am spending 100 points for 1 harvest of Radishes.
That was my point with the apple: I have to waste an energy every day now just to maintain what I was doing. It was only extra energy for a couple days, now its the required minimum. I can no longer advance the girls, I have no time.
Is that the goal? after 2 weeks you only farm twice a week? Cause from the answers I got, that doesn't feel like it. I legit think this is a bug. If I'm the only one reporting it, then I'll start the game for a 3rd time and see if it fixes it.
I couldn't wait for the mac version to release so instead I used virtualisation, it even worked! But it made my device hot as helll ! guess I'll just have to wait for it to be released
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All of my girls are stuck on wait, how do i progress further or am I at the end of the game already?
How far did you went in the game? Did you planted and sold 100 radishes?
Yeah I did that, the last thing I can remember doing is talking more with the 3rd goddess
Probably the end of content? the 3rd goddess happens very late in game
everything about them is wait...
What was the last scene you can remember?
when i finished the scene of the new goddess in izanami domain as i remember
you probably finished all the content
I will try to start from scratch again
Really excited to milk those melons 🤤!!!
Hype is building
Sooo mr farm guy how are you doing
Good, you?
Im doing fine thanks ;)
I think hes a brit
Ok first of all i ready dont know where i live comment so i dont know what the hell i am walking into. Second of all to the dev. The game seems very interesting but if possible could you do an android version
I will try in the future because the game uses a lot of things than don't work on android...
OK but that is why I said at a later time not right off the bat. Good luck with the game my friend
Sooo the weekend ends in 2-4hrs
patience. It’ll be all the better if we have to wait just a little bit longer for it.
You don't know where I live! Maybe my weekend just started! huh?! huh?! huuuuuuuuh?!
2,000 Years later
1.1 🥲
less than 24 hours away
Its probably uploading right now don't worry
Any day this weekend
1.1 Update ?????????????? 😭
Any day this weekend
Eta of update ??
3 days
This is going to be good shit
Hey, I didn't found the answer but is it normal that renaming don't do anything ? The MC keep being called Andrew. Did i do something wrong ?
Oh, that happens when you press "Enter" instead of clicking on the button to continue at start. I have the name I want now :D
sometimes the "enter" don't work... sometimes it does...
It is 2023 and the my family farm updates might be one of the first updates in the year
How much longer till devblog?????
no new devlog until release!!!!!
Oh a Surprise update
So what is 0.1.1 going to add?
Will there be a port on android in version 0.1.1?
Idk it could
on 0.1.1 I will add mac support, then I will look how to build for android.
Wowwwww!!!! Finally
2 new gulrs, 1 new place, a new cow and a bunch of sex scenes.
This is day 8 of Waiting for the new update god help us all we lost tom to a over watch porn game and I went back to YouTube for some time and spent time with the family. Idk not that bad so far
Now 7 days till 0.1.1
I hope
Haha, yeah, I hope too
6 days to 0.1.1
Ok funny robot man
Can u releass android?
Soon, but for now the best way to play on android is to use joyplay
tutorial how to use?
Sorry, I never used it before, but someone posted a guide on how to use down in the comment section.
Tysm bro
Can't find info on the models - did you make them? They're pretty great.
:D I use koikatsu to make the models, I just heavily edit them and also the shaders
Eagerly waiting for mac version. Please make one ASAP.
Same here! Please Mr.FarmGuy🙏🏼
soon guys.
I saw a guy posting a link for a compressed mac version of this game on a popular piracy site, if you guys want to play todaysureeee where can I get it?
Yeah I found it! Thank you, if you said this earlier I might not have used virtualization but a Big THANK YOU !!!!! FINALLY IT'S WORKING
I just found about it yesterday :p
Can I get the link ???
A promising beginning, looking forward to see the plot unfold!
One idea, though: Can you try to pace the autofired events better? It was probably bad luck but I had two in-game days in a row consisting only of auto events (mainly the event series of Sophia and goddess getting drunk but every other time slot filled with snippets of other threads) - no chance to do anything myself and as the scenes have no clear beginning and end it was a confusing potpourri of impressions not really fitting together. Maybe some flag that two autmatically started scenes cannot run directly in a row?
Already fixed that, at least for the next patch. kinda dumb on my part to let that go unchecked
Another probably already fixed thingy: Meeting Kate in Izanam's day triggers only by day, but the hint claims at night.
having issue with the calendar for bianca. Says to set the days for her and ive done that and nothing happens when i go to bastets domain.Please help
Her mood bar is green? You can increase it by having lewd interactions with her
gotcha thank you. I didnt have her mood in the green. I thought i did but i didnt. Thank you agian. Great game btw!!!!
Cant wait for 0.1.1 im so hyped
next week :D
are you even human at this point bro... Respect the grind but wow
i am quiet surprised i am not completly ready with this update and i must say i like the progress so far. ok some type errors are here and there but its just minor thing. for this long time of waiting for the update i must say worth it. when i see others doing an uptade for just some 15min of contant from like 3 moths of waiting. (you dont know whats happening in there privat life). i hope this game becames more and more popular so that you can have more fun makeing it and we have the fun of playing it. PS i like the funny moments with Bastet and Sophia. and fav char so far i would say the Mayor ( i hope you can make the way to buy more condoms with her secretary in game )
:D Glad you liked bro! hope I can keep delivering good content!
latest update was a lot of fun! I think you're doing a great job and I'm looking forward to seeing how the story progresses. Remember to take breaks when you need them.
Glad you liked it, hope I can keep delivering good content!
is there going to be regular small updates or big updates one in awhile
current plan is regular smaller ones and a big once in a while, but still, it can change
i am back..... oh wait i am still dead
Hi, any NTR/Shaing content planned?
With males none, there's some girl x mc x girl scenes, but you can toggle that off.
It doesn't even count as NTR, its just a threesome which is way better than NTR curse
I finished the 0.1.0 patch already 10/10 good story so far
So for some reason, my farm breaks around day 17. Nothing will grow anymore. Had to restart the game, rollback wouldn't go back to before I planted. Made sure to save frequently this time, and its around day 17 that the farm stops growing. Getting Baset's help to bless the farm will move it one stage, but its not growing on its own.
Any helpful ideas?
You need to have enough energy, the one you get by having sex with the girls.
if her energy ended on day 17, you had sex on the same day to make enough energy the farm will only start working again on day 18
Wait so it goes from growing on its own to spending 50 points every day? That doesnt seem right. Especially since for radishes it would be 100 points. Still gotta pay 200 bucks every week. No time for the girls at this rate.
Edit: also, whats the point of the apple then? if I'm getting extra energy but I have to spend it going to the mountain every day, then its not extra.
Edit 2: to clarify the sex bit: It stops growing, I unlock the shower scene, it doesn't grow after that.
Talk to bastet about her blessings. in the description it says "x turns left" every day is 2 turns and it gets refreshed automatically once the current blessing runs out.
regarding the apple. Your egnergy recharches to its current MAXIMUM each day. The apple event increased your maximum from 2 to 3 so from there on out you will ALLWAYS start the day with 3 energy with no further maintenance needed.
the farming works like this:
- Bastet blesses the farm for 14 turns (day/night) a week, after that she stops checking for energy
- after those 14 turns are over she checks if she have 50 energy left, if she have she then blesses the farm for more 14 turns, if not she waits and do that again next morning only.
This is more like a passive skil, as long you have energy.
The apple gives you permanent energy
Not all sex scenes gives you all the energy you need, most give you around 15~20
And there's the communication issue: Its stopped being passive. I have to go up to her every day and do the blessing. Since it is no longer passive, I have to earn 40 a day and go up to talk with her. Or I can earn 60 and go up the following day, using the last 2 energy to plant and farm. Ultimately, I only get to farm 2 days a week. Re-clarifying: I am spending 100 points for 1 harvest of Radishes.
That was my point with the apple: I have to waste an energy every day now just to maintain what I was doing. It was only extra energy for a couple days, now its the required minimum. I can no longer advance the girls, I have no time.
Is that the goal? after 2 weeks you only farm twice a week? Cause from the answers I got, that doesn't feel like it. I legit think this is a bug. If I'm the only one reporting it, then I'll start the game for a 3rd time and see if it fixes it.
I see, looks like a bug and you are the only one reporting it.
If you can, send me a save file and I can look further into that.
cant download new update
it goes public tomorrow :D
Ok thanks:)
I couldn't wait for the mac version to release so instead I used virtualisation, it even worked! But it made my device hot as helll ! guess I'll just have to wait for it to be released
Soon, my pc upgrades are almost here, then I will make a mac build
is there a walkthrough?
the one in game is not enough? (the calendar icon)
well after having :wait: on every single character for 8 weeks sadly no
Did you saw the end of content warning? Or that scene with a horned woman?
are you playing version 0.1.0 or 0.4 ?
0.1.0 will go public tomorow
Please release a mac and android version pleaseeeeeeeeee!
soon :D